fashion model jill kortleve

Fashion model of the month – how Jill Kortleve broadens our view on beauty

Every month we put an authentic and inspiring fashion model in the spotlights. This month it’s fashion model Jill Kortleve, who isn’t a new name in the modeling scene anymore. She adorned several magazine covers, big campaigns many models can only dream of and is on her way to become the coolest curvy top model. Let’s take a closer look at this authentic and successful beauty.
Cover photo: Courtesy of Chanel

Fashion model Jill Kortleve

The Dutch fashion model Jill Kortleve – also known as Jilla Tequila – started her career a couple of years ago, when friends of her started a modeling agency. After years of being told she should become a fashion model, it felt as the right time start a new career.
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Kortleve soon became a successful model. However, she was very insecure and struggling with her weight. Kortleve felt she was never good enough to be a straight size model (with 35 inch hips and 24 inch waist) and always prayed she didn’t have to do a bikini shoot.

Being a curvy model

One day, the struggle got real and Kortleve felt she couldn’t keep on modeling anymore. She discussed it with her management and they decided she had to do what made her happy.

Jill Kortleve slowly started to accept and love herself the way she is. Less (dietary) restrictions and more enjoying daily business. Self love became a central pillar of her life. Kortleve not only gained a few pounds, but also a lot of confidence and a sense of contagious positivity.
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Big campaigns

Clients noticed this positive change as well. Since fashion model Jill Kortleve made the shift to being a ‘curvy’ model, she did campaigns for big names such as H&M, Alexander McQueen and Fenty Beauty by Rihanna.

She is beyond excited about her success and is happy to create a shift in the fashion industry. According to us, she’s entirely changed the way beauty is viewed within this industry. Despite her ‘unconventional’ sizes, Kortleve isn’t a typical curvy model. When you open a magazine and ponder upon the latest H&M ad, we’re sure you won’t think “Hey! They booked a curvy one, too”. Kortleve easily blends in with all top noch models, straight size or curvy – it doesn’t actually matter. By doing so, Kortleve paved a path to success for future curvy models. We hope many more will follow. Go get ‘m, Jill!

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