Ellie Tsatsou

How photographer Ellie Tsatsou captures togetherness, intimacy and wildness

Photographer Ellie Tsatsou is a creative centipede with a clear signature style. She photographs, makes films, edits and writes, all within the same calm, clear and minimalistic style. Her work focuses on observation of the present, capturing everyday life.

Cover photo: © Ellie Tsatsou


Photographer Ellie Tsatsou draws inspiration from daily life: whether it is a beautiful sky, the moonlight shining through the fence or the view on a city, she manages to capture the beautiful side of everything with certain tranquillity.

According to herself, Tsatsou searches for “peace, kindness and simplicity” in her pictures. Her photos depict the way in which human beings stand in relation to nature and the way in which they are proportionated to each other.

Togetherness and wildness

Each photograph of Tsatsou can be viewed as part of a series. They form a composition together and reinforce each other. Despite that many of her pictures have been shot at different locations, they clearly form a collection.

Looking at her photos depicting Mother Nature, there is a certain sense of calmness and beauty. She captures details you can see by yourself, in a beautiful way and in soft colors. By doing this, Tsatsou combines both togetherness, as the images are appealing and intimate and wildness, since many depict the extent of the globe and make you realize you’re just a tiny object on this earth.

Moon series

One of Tsatsou’s latest series is The Moon Series, displaying the moon at different moments of its cycle. The bigger purpose of this series is to make the viewer aware of the big and unknown universe. The individual pictures aren’t taken from one place: Tsatsou travelled all around the world to capture the moon to get beautiful distinct images that form the appealing series.

Looking at the photographs, you feel that Tsatsou invites you to stargaze and to be in the moment. She wants to make people “wonder and intuit”, and she definitely does.


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