Against popular belief and actions of others, Milan Fashion Week just announced to return in real life in September 2020. According to Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, a digital event can’t replace the real deal. Rather, it support the physical events when necessary.
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Milan Fashion Week 2020
As many fashion weeks have announced to go digital in 2020, Milan Fashion Week has drawn its own plan. In an announcement, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana stated they will host a physical event in September.
London Fashion Week already kicked-off with their digital Menswear edition, forcing designers to become even more creative. Very soon, Paris Haute Couture Week will go digital as well. It rises the question: how will a physical fashion week look like nowadays?
Milan Fashion Week September 2020
CNMI’s president, Carlo explained their decision to host a physical event in a statement. According to him, digital events are “designed to support, rather than replace, the physical fashion calendar, which will resume in September and will remain vital in promoting Made in Italy and the value of its manufacturing prowess.”