photographer Lehel Kelemen

Interview with photographer Lehel Kelemen about his style and role models

Interview with fashion photographer Lehel Kelemen

Fashion photographer Lehel Kelemen is on the way to becoming a well know artist. With an

Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen

interesting background, unique photography style and diverse portfolio, we thought it was about time to have a chat. 

Let’s just start with an introduction. Who is the photographer Lehel Kelemen? What characterizes you most?

“I’m a Sekler-Hungarian photographer from Transylvania now based in London. Maybe after you hear this you will ask from yourself “How can I be a Hungarian from Romania?” Nowadays Transylvania makes part of Romania, but in the past it belonged to Hungary and that’s why there are tons of Hungarians living in Transylvania. We are still cultivating the Hungarian traditions as a minority in the heart of Romania. I’m really proud of this because there are a lot of well-known photographers from this area who influence and motivate me. Think of Martin Munkacsi, Andre De Dienes, Brassaï and many more. Of course I hope that one day my name will be mentioned together with these fantastic photographers who left their mark in the history of photography.”

Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen

That sounds very interesting. And how did your youth up there influence the choices you make today?

“Well, back in the days I was drawing and coloring a lot and I actually wanted to become a painter. Even before those days, I was a graffiti writer for more than five years. So I was actually always creating in different ways.”

How did this correlate to photography at a later age?

“One day, a friend of mine got a book about the art of photography and I fell in love with the magical world of photography for the first time. I view photography as the world where you can capture moments and you can freeze time. It was and it is still absolutely incredible and fabulous for me.”

How has your photography style evolved since then?

“I would describe my photography style so-called “between” or “everything”, because my fashion photos have their commercial glimpse and beauty – yet still contain the pictorial and artistic count. I can’t really put my style only on one side because I’m somehow mixed using elements from both sides. The common theme is always me and how I see the world.”

Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen

That sounds wonderful. You mentioned earlier the big historical photographers you’re fond of. Are there any photographers you would like to work with – within or outside the boundaries of your artistic values? 

“I would like to work with everyone who has the same interest as me to create value and for this case, he/she put all the effort in his/her work. Just as every photographer I would love to work with the biggest brands and companies in the industry. But still my first and most important thing in life is to create value while using photography as a craft.”

Talking about the biggest companies and brands – what’s the coolest job you’ve done so far?

“I really don’t have a personal coolest job or coolest shooting. It’s simple to explain, because I am that kind of person who always pushes all boundaries and likes the photos for a few hours then I want to shoot it again. I consider that all the jobs have their uniqueness. Sometimes you have a huge puzzle in your head, containing one piece from every shoot making the big picture reflecting your style and your development.”

Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen

Cool! Then at last: how do you see yourself in the (near) future?

“Rich and famous. Hahaha. No, I actually see myself the same as I am now, because I have learned from life that only the circumstances are changing around you but your personality and your visions will never change. I know that I will have better shots or a more clear style and I will be more known in the industry. But as I mentioned I think I will be the same person with the same feelings and same visuality.”

Point taken! Check out more or the amazing work of talented photographer Lehel Kelemen below and experience how she combined both commercial jobs with an artistic hint and an ever unique appearance.



Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen
Photographer Lehel Kelemen

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