fashion designer Jan Taminiau

How fashion designer Jan Taminiau combines history, art and craftsmanship

Fashion designer Jan Taminiau is one of the few in the world who mainly created handcrafted couture. His designs, often made on request and designed for lucky individuals, are feminine and carry a sense of history in them.
Cover photo: © Jan Taminiau on Instagram

Fashion designer Jan Taminiau

Just like Ronald van der Kemp, fashion designer Jan Taminiau is a talented Dutch creative. He has famous clientele from all over the world. Think of Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Rihanna and the Dutch queen. What is zo inspiring about his dresses? We figured it out.


Fashion designer Jan Taminiau mainly creates dresses. Very feminine dresses. They show the body at parts you want to show, without ever being tacky or inappropriate. Taminiau is able to create a sort of silent statement with his couture. He captures everyday objects and moments that others don’t see and reinvents them into original garments.

History, art and craftsmanship

It all started in his early youth. When Jan Taminiau was only 11 years old, he already dressed his sister like a princess. It was clear that designing couture was his true calling.
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Taminiau’s grandma was an antiquarian, with an attic full of hidden treasures. Little Taminiau spent hours surrounded by these treasures. He was fully shocked when his grandma claimed that her attic was “full of garbage”. According to her, all the stuf was “worthless”.

Taminiau didn’t understand his grandma and still doesn’t. According to the fashion designer, something comes to life when it’s being used, when traces of use become visible. He thinks it’s boring to create a garment from the perfect piece of fabric. It simply has to come alive together, and it doesn’t do so when everything seems perfect.

Craftsmanship versus ready to wear

In a world of fashion fashion, street style trends, fashion designer Jan Taminiau is a unique person. He doesn’t let trends, trend forecasts of influencers pave the way for his new collections. He rather reinvents the existing and applies his characteristic craftsmanship on it.
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Against expectations, Taminiau recently launched a ready to wear line, inspired by light. Think of silk dresses with unique tye-dye like prints. He used ‘light’ as his muse. However, Jan Taminiau wouldn’t have been Jan Taminiau if he’d not done it on his own terms and conditions. The collection exists of 40 pieces and will expend piece by piece during the upcoming months. You can view it as a wardrobe that slowly evolves over time.
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Does Taminiau views his garments as art? No, not really. Despite of the big worth and craftsmanship, he says things like: “Touch it, they’re clothes, please,” which makes Taminiau a loved designer by many. We’re sure Taminiau isn’t at his peak yet, there’s much more to come. And we’re very, very excited about everything to come.
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