stella mccartney pride

Stella McCartney just launched the most stylish pride collaboration ever

In the spirit of inclusivity and unity, the collaboration between Stella McCartney, Mina Galan, and Morena Salas exemplifies the essence of Pride Month. Mina and Morena, two trailblazing next-gen stylists, have taken the reins and weaved their narratives through the selection and styling of Stella McCartney’s Summer 2023 pieces. And the cliches are true; these pictures do speak louder than words.

Cover image: courtesy of Stella McCartney

Stella McCartney: a Stellebration of all

This Pride Month, get ready to be captivated by the remarkable talents of Mina Galan and Morena Salas as they take center stage at Stella McCartney. These next-gen stylists have been given the incredible opportunity to curate and style Summer 2023 pieces that speak volumes and share their unique stories. With the collaboration, Stella McCartney focuses on the power of celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community not just during Pride Month but every day.

Mina and Morena showcase their exceptional fashion sense by personally selecting the Summer 2023 pieces that resonate with their styles. The visuals were captured at the 23 Old Bond Street flagship store in the heart of London.

Their introduction to the world of Stella McCartney took place during our legendary Christmas party at the same venue. It was during this remarkable encounter that an undeniable synergy and chemistry sparked between Mina, Morena, and Stella herself. Recognizing their immense potential, Stella graciously extended her platform to these talented individuals for Pride Month, trusting them with complete creative control and unwavering confidence. Prepare to be inspired as Mina Galan and Morena Salas redefine fashion and storytelling through their captivating styling choices this summer.

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In conversation with Mina and Morena

Stella McCartney: What does the word “Pride” mean to you?

Mina: “Pride is a mixed feeling. I believe it’s needed. However, brands at this time of the year tend to use and capitalize on it disingenuously. That’s why it’s important to have campaigns like this one – where queer people are not only in front of the camera but also behind the scenes having full control over how we want to tell our story. Now that’s something to be proud of.”

Stella McCartney: What is the back story behind your relationship to each other?

Morena: “MORENA: Mina and I met a year ago at a party before I transitioned, in a moment when I realized my identity and gender expression. We didn’t actually hang out until eight months later; we bumped into each other at another party, and I told her I was going to start my hormone replacement therapy. That unified us. Mina has been with me since the beginning of my transition, and I’m so glad to have had her support; she pushed me to express my femininity as I really wanted to.”

Stella McCartney: What is the story behind how you met Stella at the Christmas party?

Morena: “We met Stella back in December at a fun party at the Old Bond Street store. Stella is pure elegance and fierceness – she has such a sexy attitude and is so funny. She really made me laugh with all her stories and fun facts. It was a night to remember.”

Stella McCartney: What was your inspiration behind how you styled the Stella shoot?

Mina: “Morena and I have a history. We are sisters, and we have very similar styles, but we are also quite different. It’s hard to explain. We understand each other when it comes to style, but we end up dressing differently to each other. However, it does make sense because there’s a common ground of understanding style that we share. And I think it is beautiful to have that and have the opportunity to work together along those ideas.”

Stella McCartney: Fashion is an external expression of our internal narratives and identities. How does fashion help you to express yourself?

Mina: “When it comes to my transition, fashion has helped in shaping my identity as a trans woman. Fashion is language – it’s the first statement we communicate before we open our mouths and talk. When you first start transitioning, clothes play such a big part in it.”

Does fashion need to move past the gender binary?

Mina: “I think fashion has moved beyond the gender norms and binaries. At the end of the day, it is up to each individual whether they want to break the binary or not. And both are valid.”

Morena: “I think fashion has already moved past the gender binary; we are pushing so much past the binary boundaries that, at some point, they will disappear. Everyone should be able to dress free of gender norms.”

Check out the campaign they co-created below. All images courtesy of Stella McCartney.